Manage eProgressions
Use the eProgressions functionality in ebs: ontrack Hub to progress learners.
You must have the
An eProgression is a change of status against a learner on a course or a number of learners on a course (for example: you can withdraw an inactive learner on a course using this process).
Making eProgression submissions in ebs: ontrack Hub does not update the data directly in the ebs tables. eProgressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub will be displayed on the Agent Progressions tab in Learner Manager, where a member of staff with the relevant role can authorise the progression to the source tables.
You can submit eProgressions:

- Search for and select the required learner.
Click the Progressions option in the Learner section of the navigation pane.
The Progress Learner page is displayed, with a list of courses the learner is enrolled on.
The fields on the Progress Learner page are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Course Code |
The course code of the learner enrolment (read-only). You can click the course code to view the course on the Course Details page. |
Cal Occ Code | The calendar occurrence of the learner enrolment (read-only). |
Current Progress Code | The current progress code of the learner enrolment (read-only). |
New Progress Code | The new progress code of the learner enrolment. Select from the drop-down list. |
Progress Date | The date the change of progress code is applicable from. Click the Calendar button to display the calendar, where the required date can be selected. |
Comments | Additional comments regarding the progression which can be entered in the Progression Details section of the page. |
Reason | The reason for the progression which can be entered in the Progression Details section of the page. |
Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Close to close the message.
The eProgression is submitted and displayed in the Pending Progressions grid.

To progress a number of learners on a course:
- Search for and select the required course.
Click the Progressions option in the Course section of the navigation pane.
The Enrolment Progressions page is displayed, with a list of learners enrolled on the course.
The fields on the Enrolment Progressions page are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Surname |
The surname of the learner (read-only). You can click the learner surname to view the learner on the Learner Details page. |
Forename | The forename of the learner (read-only). |
Current Progress Code | The current progress code of the learner enrolment (read-only). |
New Progress Code | The new progress code of the learner enrolment. Select from the drop-down list. |
Progress Date | The date the change of progress code is applicable from. Click the Calendar button to display the calendar, where the required date can be selected. |
Comments | Additional comments regarding the progression which can be entered in the Progression Details section of the page. |
Reason | The reason for the progression which can be entered in the Progression Details section of the page. |
If required, click the Fill Down button to flood fill the value to all other rows from the selected cell downwards.
A confirmation message is displayed, with the number of updated rows.
- Click Close to close the message.
Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Close to close the message.
The eProgressions are submitted and displayed in the Pending Enrolment Progressions grid.